Using Goats to Keep Balds Intact

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

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Last month the Bristol, TN Herald Courier published an article that discussed a new management technique for keeping the balds on Roan Mountain intact. The article stated that the Appalachian Trail Conservancy had just announced that they will be testing the use of a small herd of angora goats this summer in order to maintain the grassy balds at Round Bald, Jane Bald, Grassy Ridge and Hump Mountain.“It’s...
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Smoky Mountains N.P. Trivia – The Answers

Monday, July 28, 2008

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Here are the answers from yesterday’s trivia questions:1. What name did the Cherokee Indians give to the Smoky Mountains?a) “Place of Blue Smoke”2. Roughly how many people visit the Smoky Mountains each year?b) 10 million3. High elevation balds such as Gregory Bald and Spence Field were used by early settlers for:a) Grazing cattle4. In what year was Great Smoky Mountains National Park established?a)...
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Smoky Mountains National Park Trivia Quiz

Sunday, July 27, 2008

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The following is a semi-challenging list of Smoky Mountain trivia questions. Actually, people intimately familiar with the Smokies will probably find most of these questions to be fairly easy. However, there are a couple questions that may trip up even some of the most knowledgeable Smoky Mountain history buffs. Answers will be posted on this blog tomorrow. If you can’t wait until tomorrow, or if...
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Great Smoky Mountains DVD Postcard Video

Friday, July 25, 2008

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I just wanted to share this with you. The video below has some of the best film footage I’ve seen of the Smokies. There are a wide variety of scenes from all over park. Check out the shots of the fog during the morning dawn. Incredible.JeffHikingintheSmokys....
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Adventure Travel in a Tough Economy

Monday, July 21, 2008

Although we’re already half-way through the summer, there’s still a lot of time left for vacations and adventure travel. Instead of traveling to some far-off vacation destination, why not travel over to the national park in your own backyard? With roughly 50 percent of the U.S. population within 500 miles, Great Smoky Mountains National Park is an excellent choice for a little adventure travel.With...
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Hiking Gear Store

Sunday, July 20, 2008

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If you've been over to the website in the last couple of days you may have noticed the addition of the new hiking store. Although all of the products on the site are currently available for purchase at this point, we are still in the process of building the store and fine-tuning the design. The intention of the store is to offer top quality hiking gear and apparrel, as well as...
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Park Visitors Allow Bear to Break into Car

Friday, July 18, 2008

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Below is a Youtube video showing a black bear breaking into a car at the Clingmans Dome parking lot in the Smoky Mountains. The amazing thing about this video is that there are a couple dozen people that stood around and watched the bear break the window of the car, jump in, and then take the owner’s food.In my view, these people were totally irresponsible. Why didn’t they chase the bear off and call...
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Where are all the buses going?

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

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If you’re anywhere near the Smoky Mountains, those buses are likely taking passengers to the gambling casinos in Cherokee, North Carolina. And if these passengers are indeed planning on doing some gambling, they’re more than likely heading to Harrah's Cherokee Casino & Hotel.If you’re looking for something to do after a long day on the trail, head over to the North Carolina side of the Smokies...
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PBS to Air Ken Burns's 'The National Parks: America’s Best Idea'

Monday, July 14, 2008

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PBS has just announced that in the fall of 2009 it will air a new Ken Burns documentary series: 'The National Parks: Americas Best Idea'. This will be a 12-hour, six-part documentary series, directed by Ken Burns and co-produced by his longtime colleague, Dayton Duncan. According to the release, the series is "the story of an idea as uniquely American as the Declaration of Independence and just as...
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Smoky Scout is going for 1000

Saturday, July 12, 2008

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I just wanted to give a shout out and make everyone aware of a new blog I recently discovered. The name of the blog is called the “Great Smoky Mountains Girl Scout Challenge.” This is a particularly noteworthy blog because the author, Smoky Scout, is raising money to help support the Girl Scouts in North Carolina.To do this, she is hiking all of the trails in the Smoky Mountains with the goal of raising...
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The 7 Best Hikes in the Smoky Mountains

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

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Every hiker has a list of their favorite trails. After many years of hiking in Great Smoky Mountains National Park, I decided to compile a list of what I consider to be the best hikes in the Smokies. If you’re new to the Smokies, use this article as a starting point in trying to decide where you should hike. If you’re a veteran Smoky Mountains hiker and have a different list, step up and voice your...
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Home & Away Magazine Mentions

Monday, July 7, 2008

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I wanted to take this time to thank the American Automobile Association (AAA) for publishing a short article referencing the launch of in the July/August issue of their Home & Away Magazine. The article appears in the Here & There column, a popular front-of-the-book department.With the travel publication being distributed to 1.3 million households, we hope the article...
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Stop in for Lunch at the LeConte Lodge

Friday, July 4, 2008

The National Park Service has announced that it has just awarded the current operator of the LeConte Lodge a new 10-year contract. The most interesting aspect of this new contract is that beginning in 2009, hikers will be able to purchase snacks, beverages and lunches at the Lodge.Up till now, only Lodge guests were able to purchase meals at the Lodge.What's your opinion on this?Will this encourage...
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