Rock Slide Forces Trail Closure in Pisgah National Forest

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

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Due to an active rock slide the Point Lookout Trail will be closed. Pisgah National Forest is asking hikers to avoid this area for your own safety and the safety of personnel working to reopen the trail, as heavy equipment will be on the trail. The Pisgah National Forest, McDowell County and the Town of Old Fort are working to have the slide removed and the trail reopened in time for fall colors....
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Smokies Fall Color Report

Friday, September 25, 2015

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Great Smoky Mountains National Park has just published their late September Fall Color Report on their website. According to the report: The main fall leaf season is still several weeks away (mid to late October), but color has begun to develop over the past week in high elevation areas. Many birch trees are showing muted yellows, and species such as witch hobble, sumac, and blueberries are sporting...
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Smokies Closes Whiteoak Sink Area to Protect Declining Bat Populations

Thursday, September 24, 2015

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Great Smoky Mountains National Park officials announced the closure of the Whiteoak Sink area effective now through March 31, 2016 to limit human disturbance to bat hibernacula and help hikers avoid interactions with bats. Park biologists will be monitoring the site throughout the winter collecting population, ecological, and behavioral data that will inform resource managers developing a long-term...
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"Get On the Trail" Fall Hiking Series

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

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Join Friends of the Smokies and fitness expert Missy Kane once again for another series of hikes this upcoming fall. Each Wednesday throughout the month of October, Missy and Friends will hike a different trail in the Great Smoky Mountains.

Ms. Kane was an Olympic runner and a Pan American Games medalist.

"Get on the Trail" is a great opportunity for people who are new to the area, or are new to hiking, as well as people who just want to know more about the Park.

The dates for this year's spring series are: October 7th, 14th, 21st, and 28th:

October 7th
Cove Mountain Trail from Sugarlands Visitor Center
Easy, 5-6 miles

October 14th
Old Settlers Trail
Moderate, 6-7 miles

October 21st
Rich Mountain Loop
Difficult, 8.5 miles

October 28th
Cataloochee Divide from Purchase Knob to Double Gap
Moderate, 7-8 miles

The cost is $20.00 per hike, with aspecial gift and free membership to the Friends of the Smokies being provided by Friends and Missy. You must register by calling 865-541-4500 (Covenant Call Center) as space is limited.

Now celebrating it's 17th year, Get on the Trail with Friends and Missy has raised more than $140,000, with proceeds going towards the support for the preservation and protection of Great Smoky Mountains National Park.

For more information, contact Sarah Weeks at Friends of the Smokies, 1-865-932-4794 or

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Pisgah National Forest Posts New Restrictions for Big Creek / Waterville Area

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

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The following is prohibited within the Big Creek/Waterville area on the Appalachian Ranger District of the Pisgah National Forest. This area that is approximately one-quarter mile south of Walter’s Power Plant, between Big Creek and State Road 1332 (along the northeast corner of Great Smoky Mountains National Park): 1. Camping is prohibited unless it is in an authorized area. 2. No alcoholic...
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Great Smoky Mountains National Park Battles Graffiti

Friday, September 11, 2015

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Great Smoky Mountains National Park rangers remind visitors that graffiti not only detracts from the natural beauty of the park, but can also permanently damage irreplaceable resources. Park resources including one of the best collections of log buildings in the eastern United States, backcountry hiking shelters, live trees, stone walls, bridges, and tunnels have all suffered from a range of small...
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Vintage Films of Gatlinburg and the Great Smoky Mountains

Thursday, September 10, 2015

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This short video includes lots of great old clips from the early days of Gatlinburg and the Great Smoky Mountains: Jeff TetonHikingTrails....
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Key Milestones in Hiking

Monday, September 7, 2015

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Over the last several decades the sport of hiking has become increasingly more popular. According to the latest Outdoor Recreation Participation Report, 11.4% of all adults in the United States participated in hiking in 2013. But the burning question to a modern-day trekker such as myself, is when did people take to the trail for pleasure? Ever since our predecessors began walking on two feet humans...
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Elkmont Then

Saturday, September 5, 2015

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This video, produced by Mike Maples, takes a look back in time at Elkmont during the logging and railroad days inside today's Great Smoky Mountains National Park. There are a lot of great photos included here: Jeff TetonHikingTrails....
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The Best Fall Hikes in the Smokies

Thursday, September 3, 2015

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Fall hiking season is rapidly approaching, and soon leaf peepers will be out in full force in the Great Smoky Mountains. The beauty of the Smokies is always spectacular, but never more so than during the autumn when the mountains are ablaze with the colors of fall. The timing of the fall color season depends upon many variables, making it virtually impossible to predict the exact date of "peak"...
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