"Get on the Trail" is a great opportunity for people who are new to the area, new to hiking, or for those who just want to know more about the Park.
The dates for the hikes this fall are as follow:
October 2: Old Sugarlands Trail
October 9: Little River Trail to Campsite #24
October 16: Middle Prong to Lynn Camp Prong
October 23: Mt. Cammerer via Low Gap + the A.T.
October 30: Spence Field via Anthony Creek and Bote Mountain
Cost for each hike is $20, with proceeds going to the Friends of the Smokies.
Since the series started, Get on the Trail with Friends, and Missy Kane, an Olympic runner and a Pan American Games medalist, has raised more than $110,000 for the preservation and protection of Great Smoky Mountains National Park.
Please click here or send an e-mail to Friends of the Smokies to receive more information about the upcoming series, and to register. You can also call the Covenant Health Call Center at 865-541-4500 to register. Over the years these hikes have grown in popularity, so early registration is advised.
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