REI, one of the leading outdoor gear and clothing retailers, offers a lifetime membership program that includes a member refund in the form of an annual dividend notice.
For a one-time fee of just $20, outdoor enthusiasts receive a lifetime membership to the REI co-op. Each March active members receive a refund in the form of an annual dividend notice, which is typically 10% back on all eligible REI purchases. You can use the dividend notice as soon as you receive it to purchase gear and services at REI, or you can redeem it for cash.
REI members enjoy other benefits as well, such as:
• Special members-only offers on gear and clothing.
• Savings on adventure travel with REI Adventures.
• Substantial savings on REI in-store rental equipment such as skis and kayaks.
• Reduced pricing on bike and ski shop services (available in most REI stores).
So, if you're one that buys a lot of outdoor gear and apparel, this is a really good deal. For more details on the program just click on the AD below:

REI is first class. As a member you can return items with no questions asked. I have returned a backpack after a couple of uses (it was terrible). A buddy of mine has returned items that broke for no reason after a year.
I love their website. Being able to see other customer reviews is awesome.
A word on pricing. It's just my opinion but they are way too expensive on most items. If you shop around you will find things quite a bit cheaper.
I do use their credit card for all my purchases. Getting the dividend at the beginning of the year is nice.
Lance - thanks for the comments. I agree, REI is top notch, and a big reason for the strong loyalty a lot of their customers have for them.
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