The Allegheny 100 Backpacking Challenge

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Quick: What's the longest National Scenic Trail in the United States? Most people would probably say the Appalachian, Continental Divide or the Pacific Crest trails. They would all be wrong. Stretching more than 4600 miles through 7 states, from New York to North Dakota, the North Country Trail actually owns that distinction.

To help promote this relatively new and unknown trail, the North Country Trail Association is offering the Allegheny 100 Backpacking Challenge next month.

The Allegheny 100 Backpacking Challenge is an attempt to hike 100 miles in 50 hours in the Allegheny National Forest in Northwest Pennsylvania. This is not a race but rather an endurance event to challenge yourself on a 100 mile section of the NCT. The trail is not difficult in terms of climbing and descending, but 100 miles is 100 miles.

Outside support is not permitted - so you're on your own once on the trail. 50 and 25-mile options are also offered.

The event will be held starting on Friday, June 8th at 6 PM through Sunday, June 10th at 8 PM. The welcome table will be located at the PA 66 Trailhead, five miles South of Marienville and 1.2 miles North of Vowinkel.

For more information on the event, please click here.

Hiking Trails in the Smokies

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