The lawsuit says The South Butt is trying to "legitimize piracy under the banner of parody."
You gotta love this! Clearly the North Face has a legitimate beef with Winkelmann regarding the logo. However, I'm not so sure about the name or the tag line.
Maybe the North Face should settle this one out of court. Have Winkelmann shut down the business, but agree to pay for his college and then hire him as a junior marketing exec after he graduates!
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I made a comment about this on a Recreation Law blog earlier, but I think you are right about the logo causing the teen trouble.
With that said, I do find South Butt's lawyer's comment hilarious, " we believe our customers know the difference in a face and a butt."
Obviously in reference to trademark law's requirement that the alleged infringement be likely to confuse the public.
I'm not sure if South Butt can win this one, but they have a case and are apparently willing to fight it out.
JP - I didn't see that comment - that is great!
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