WNC man donates land to Blue Ridge Parkway

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

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A western North Carolina man who remembers seeing the construction of the Blue Ridge Parkway is donating and selling land he owns to help expand its protected landscape.The Conservation Trust for North Carolina announced yesterday that Joe Arrington has donated a 46-acre parcel of land in Haywood County. In April, he sold a 64-acre tract to the same group.The combined tract, called Richland Creek...
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Sinks Parking Area reopening delayed until Saturday

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

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Originally scheduled for yesterday, the reopening of the Sinks Parking Area in the Great Smoky Mountains has been delayed until Saturday.The Sinks is a popular roadside waterfall located on Little River Road between Metcalf Bottoms Picnic Area and the Townsend Wye. The small, narrow parking area at the waterfall is difficult to maneuver vehicles in, leading to traffic congestion and confusion.The...
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Peaks of Otter Campground Offers Reservable Campsites

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

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The Blue Ridge Parkway Guide is reporting that the Peaks of Otter Campground on the Blue Ridge Parkway, at Milepost 86, now offers campers the option of reserving campsites. The campground has been added to ReserveAmerica, a company that provides online campsite reservation processing for private, state and federal campgrounds in the United States.About 40 percent of the campground’s sites are available...
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Can we get an outdoor adventure channel?

Sunday, June 27, 2010

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Man came by to hook up my cable TVWe settled in for the night my baby and meWe switched 'round and 'round 'til half-past dawnThere was fifty-seven channels and nothin' onFifty-seven channels and nothin' onFifty-seven channels and nothin' on-- Bruce SpringsteenThose lyrics are spot on. Maybe it's just me, but cable TV is absolutely horrible anymore. Except for NCAA Basketball, the Tour de France, a...
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Smokies Travel: Need a Cabin or Chalet?

Friday, June 25, 2010

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Peak tourist and hiking season is just about upon us in the Great Smoky Mountains. I just wanted to take this opportunity to remind readers that if you're planning a trip to the Smokies this summer, please take a moment to check out our cabin and chalets listings. The number of cabin owners listings their overnight accomodations on our site continues to expand. You'll find a wide variety of cabins...
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NASA Develops New Emergency Response System

Thursday, June 24, 2010

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Trailspace.com has a pretty good article on its website discussing the various emergency response systems available for hikers and other outdoor types. It also delves into some of the ethical issues surrounding the use of electronics in wilderness settings.The main focus of the article, however, is the announcement of the next-generation of emergency response systems, which is expected to significantly...
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Cades Cove Loop Road temporarily closed

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

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The Cades Cove Loop Road will be closed to motor vehicles until 9:00 a.m. on Thursday, June 24 to repair a pullout damaged in a recent vehicle fire. Hikers and bikers will be allowed access to the area during this short closure.A vehicle fire on the back side of the road caused damage to a pullout roughly a half mile from the exit gate.JeffHikingintheSmokys.com Detailed information on trails in the...
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Video: Hike to Charlies Bunion

Monday, June 21, 2010

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The Hike to Charlies Bunion is the latest video from the Great Smoky Mountains Association. This outstanding video presents some stunning views from the famous rock outcropping along the Appalachian Trail:© GSMA 2010. All rights reserved.For more information on hiking to Charlies Bunion, please click here.JeffHikingintheSmokys.com Detailed information on trails in the Smoky Mountains; includes trail...
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The Smokies You Haven't Seen

Sunday, June 20, 2010

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Well, maybe....for some of you.....Earlier in the year Blue Ridge Country Magazine published an article on their website titled, The Smokies You Haven't Seen.The article, written by Deborah Huso who also just published the Moon Handbook for the Blue Ridge & Smoky Mountains, discusses a couple of the lesser known areas of the park, including the drive along Parson Branch Road out of Cades Cove,...
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SAHC purchases land in the Highlands of Roan

Friday, June 18, 2010

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The Southern Appalachian Highlands Conservancy recently announced the purchase of 62.5 acres in the Roaring Creek Valley of the Roan Highlands, thus preserving Golden-winged Warbler habitat, scenic views from the Appalachian Trail, and waterfalls.SAHC purchased the two tracts of land using a $95,000 grant awarded under the Neotropical Migratory Bird Conservation Act, along with bridge loans and a...
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Re-opening of Clingmans Dome Road delayed by 2 days

Thursday, June 17, 2010

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Wet weather has forced a two day delay for the re-opening of Clingmans Dome Road in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park.The Park website states the road is expected to re-open Monday at noon instead of this Saturday.After Monday, the project will continue until July 1, 2010 but traffic will be managed with single lane closures on weekdays. No work will take place on weekends moving forward.The...
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Photos from the trail

Thursday, June 17, 2010

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Below are several photos from the three trails we hiked during our recent visit to the Great Smoky Mountains.The footbridge over the Rough Fork of the Cataloochee Creek is located near the Caldwell Fork Trailhead. According to Hiking Great Smoky Mountains by Rodney and Priscilla Albright, it's the longest footbridge in the Great Smoky Mountains: While hiking the Boogerman Loop we saw three snakes...
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Shenandoah Announces Hiking Program for Families with Children

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

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Shenandoah National Park is hosting two “Hiking with Children” seminars scheduled for two Saturdays this summer, on June 19 and July 17 from 10:00 a.m. to noon. These programs are designed for parents that want to get outdoors to hike with their children and have a worry-free experience. Have you always wanted to hike with your family but were concerned about being safe? Do you wonder about keeping...
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Flame azaleas at peak on Gregory Bald

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

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Tom Harrington, a volunteer for the Great Smoky Mountains who provides regular wildflower updates for the Great Smoky Mountains Association, is reporting that the flame azaleas atop Gregory Bald are at their peak.Here's the statement from his report posted today:"Flame azaleas are at peak on Gregory Bald. The best blooms will last about another week (due to intense heat)."Mr. Harrington is also reporting...
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Random photos from Hyatt Lane

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

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Below are a few random photos I took during an evening drive on the Cades Cove Loop Road. All four photos were shot on Hyatt Lane. The coyote in the third photo was steadily making his way towards us until a car showed-up. I took the picture just before he disappeared into the grass.JeffHikingintheSmokys.com Detailed information on trails in the Smoky Mountains; includes trail descriptions, key features,...
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The Cataloochee Valley

Monday, June 14, 2010

As mentioned last week, my wife and I recently made are first foray into the Cataloochee Valley on the far eastern end of the Great Smoky Mountains. If you've never been there, it might be because it's a little difficult getting to. For one, not being near any of the major tourists centers, Cataloochee is in a fairly isolated location. Secondly, you have to drive at least 3 miles (9 if coming from...
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The Wildlife in North Carolina Photo Competition

Sunday, June 13, 2010

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Wildlife in North Carolina magazine is accepting entries for its annual nature and wildlife photo competition.All winners will be published in the January 2011 issue of Wildlife in North Carolina magazine.The grand prize winner will appear as the cover illustration. The winners’ photos also will be on display at the Museum of Natural Sciences and at other science museums and wildlife education centers...
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Is the quest to become the youngest becoming dangerous?

Saturday, June 12, 2010

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By now most people are already aware of the successful summit of Mt. Everest by 13-year-old Jordan Romero last month.As you would expect, Jordan's age has become the subject of quite a bit of controversy: Is the quest to become the youngest - in a host of outdoor endeavors - becoming just too dangerous?One doesn't need to look too far in recent headlines for an example of how younger people are flirting...
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Red River Gorge named as the first "Hot Spot"

Saturday, June 12, 2010

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Red River Gorge is in danger of being "loved to death."

That's according to the Leave No Trace Center for Outdoor Ethics, who has recently named the Gorge as its first "Hot Spot."

The nonprofit organization out of in Boulder, Colorado will be providing some help to keep the Gorge clean.

The selection means that trainers from the center will attend some events in the Gorge to talk with people about "Leave No Trace" camping and recreation. They'll also promote the concept though social media and contacts with universities, clubs and others who use the area.

Located in central Kentucky, the Red River Gorge offers hiking, camping, rock-climbing, canoeing and other activities that draw people from around the world. The gorge is best known for its sandstone cliffs and the more than 100 natural arches within its borders, which is the greatest concentration of arches east of the Rocky Mountains.

The Leave No Trace Center noted that all that recreation has resulted in "litter, trail erosion, damage to vegetation, and vandalism of property, natural features, and cultural/heritage sites."

Having spent a lot of time in Red River Gorge during my late teen years, I can personally attest to the abuse heaped upon this beautiful and unique area.

HikingintheSmokys.com Detailed information on trails in the Smoky Mountains; includes trail descriptions, key features, pictures, video, maps, elevation profiles, news, and more.
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Mystery Photo

Friday, June 11, 2010

Alright, need some help identifying an object I saw on the Boogerman Trail. The implement in the photo below was near the stone walls of the old Carson Messer homestead, just east of the Caldwell Fork Trail junction. Does anybody know what this is or what it was used for?JeffHikingintheSmokys.com Detailed information on trails in the Smoky Mountains; includes trail descriptions, key features, pictures,...
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Fire may be key to reviving dogwood trees

Friday, June 11, 2010

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Not only do we have to worry about the Woolly Adelgids decimating the Eastern Hemlocks, but we now also have to worry about Discula destructiva, a fungus that is causing a serious decline in dogwood populations across North America in recent decades.An article published in the journal Forest Ecology and Management states that the fungus is decimating dogwood populations. In some cases there has been...
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Cades Cove in Black and White

Thursday, June 10, 2010

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Every now and then I like to channel my inner Ansel Adams and take a few black and white photos. I got an opportunity to shoot in B&W (as well as sepia tone) while in Cades Cove last week. Here are a few of the better ones:Looking down Hyatt Lane:The Tipton Place:The Dan Lawson Place:JeffHikingintheSmokys.com Detailed information on trails in the Smoky Mountains; includes trail descriptions, key...
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Wilderness status for Cherokee National Forest lands

Thursday, June 10, 2010

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Nearly 19,556 acres in the Cherokee National Forest in East Tennessee would be designated as wilderness under legislation introduced yesterday by Tennessee Senators Lamar Alexander and Bob Corker.The areas were recommended for wilderness status by the U.S. Forest Service in its 2004 comprehensive plan for the forest and have been managed as Wilderness Study Areas since then.The wilderness designation...
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New TRACK Trail in Pisgah National Forest opens Saturday

Thursday, June 10, 2010

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A grand opening of a new TRACK Trail adventure for children will be held at the Pisgah Ranger Station on Saturday.The Pisgah Ranger District TRACK (Trails, Ridges & Active, Caring Kids) Trail is the third new TRACK Trail opened through the Kids In Parks TRACK Trails initiative.The opening ceremony begins at 10:15 a.m. at Pisgah District Headquarters (on US 276 near Brevard). Children’s activities...
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Observations from the Smokies

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

As mentioned in a post yesterday, my wife and I made another visit to the Smokies last week. I wanted to share a few observations from our trip:* We ran into a lot of rain during our visit and got absolutely poured on while hiking to and from Hen Wallow Falls near Cosby. What struck me on this hike was the lack of preparedness on the part of many of the hikers we saw. Many were simply walking without...
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Update on hiker who died on AT Friday

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

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The Roanoke Times is reporting that the 60-year-old Florida man who was found dead this past Friday at the Cornelius Creek Shelter along the Appalachian Trail in Botetourt County, Virginia, complained of shoulder and chest pains earlier in the day.A Colorado woman hiking the Appalachian Trail posted a note on a Website for trail enthusiasts suggesting she might have been the last one to see the man...
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Cycling the Cades Cove Loop Road

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

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This past weekend my wife and I returned from another trip to the Great Smoky Mountains. On this visit we accomplished several firsts - including our first elk sighting in the Smokies, as well as our first visit to the Cataloochee area.Last Wednesday we also had a chance to ride a bicycle around Cades Cove for the very first time. Let me tell you, other than actually walking it, cycling the loop road...
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Fish-shocking survey reveals trout sabotage in Smokies

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

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WBIR posted a report on their website last night detailing how biologist and volunteers from groups such as Trout Unlimited recently discovered several large rainbow trout swimming in the streams near Tremont.Rainbow trout are a non-native species that were introduced to the Park by loggers looking to off-set the loss of native brook trout before the Park's establishment.In recent years the Park has...
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Person dies at Rainbow Falls in Gorges State Park

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

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The Asheville Citizen-Times is reporting that a person is dead following an accident at Rainbow Falls in Gorges State Park yesterday evening. The waterfall is off Whitewater Road on the Horsepasture River in Transylvania County.The incident was reported at 6 p.m., a Transylvania County emergency dispatcher said this morning. No information on the identity of the victim has been released.BlueRidgeNow.com...
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Hiker found dead at shelter on Appalachian Trail

Monday, June 7, 2010

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The Roanoke Times is reporting that a 60-year-old Florida man hiking the Appalachian Trail was found dead Friday afternoon, the Botetourt County Sheriff's Office said.Authorities received a call from another hiker who reported finding a body about 2 p.m. Friday, Maj. Delbert Dudding said. The hiker had stopped at the Cornelius Creek Shelter and noticed a man who appeared to be sleeping but was unresponsive.A...
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Forest Service may increase recreation area fees

Monday, June 7, 2010

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The U.S. Forest Service is proposing increasing or establishing user fees at some recreation areas in the Nantahala and Pisgah National Forests.The agency is asking the public to comment on the proposals, which include entrance fee increases to the Roan Mountain Recreation Area and the Sliding Rock Recreation Area, as well as the implementation of a fee for the first time at the Wolf Ford Campground...
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American Red Cross offers wilderness first aid course

Monday, June 7, 2010

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A new course offered by the Shenandoah County chapter of the American Red Cross will familiarize people with how to survive in the great outdoors.The first 16-hour wilderness and remote first-aid course will take place June 12-13 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Shenandoah County Park. The course, sponsored by the Shenandoah County Parks and Recreation Department and Blue Canoe Crew, is designed for Scouts,...
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Lightning kills woman on Max Patch

Sunday, June 6, 2010

The Asheville Citizen-Times is reporting that a woman was killed when she was struck by lightning while hiking on Max Patch Bald just northeast of the Great Smoky Mountains.The victim was struck during a thunderstorm around 4:30 p.m. Friday as she hiked in an open area on U.S. Forest Service land near the Tennessee line, said Capt. Levi Roullard of the Spring Creek Fire Department.The woman, whose...
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Hiker rescued from Mount Pisgah after fall

Sunday, June 6, 2010

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The Asheville Citizen-Times is reporting that a hiker was rescued yesterday after falling on some rocks near the base of a television tower on Mount Pisgah.A call came in around 2:15 p.m. reporting that a hiker had fallen from the WLOS-TV tower and was still clinging to it, according to emergency scanner traffic. Once on the scene, however, rescue crews learned that a man in his mid-70s had hiked...
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Blue Ridge Parkway section closed Monday and Tuesday

Sunday, June 6, 2010

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A three-mile section of the Blue Ridge Parkway west of Asheville will be closed Monday and Tuesday while workers trim trees and remove debris from ice storms this winter.The section affected is from Milepost 405 near the N.C. 151 intersection west to Milepost 408 near Pisgah Inn. The road will be closed 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. daily.Contractors will also be doing cleanup work in the broader area from...
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Great Smoky Mountains Institute seeks bird banding recruits

Sunday, June 6, 2010

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The Great Smoky Mountains Institute at Tremont is recruiting help to track populations of the 230 different species of birds in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Thirty-four of the species living in the Park are considered endangered, threatened or otherwise of concern.Banding sessions typically began at 6 a.m. as volunteers help erect nets. During the next six hours, the nets are checked every...
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Cumberland Trail Conference Receives $67,400 Grant

Saturday, June 5, 2010

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Representative Richard Floyd (R-Chattanooga) announced earlier in the week that the Cumberland Trail Conference has been selected to receive a grant for $67,400 from the Regional Trails Program (RTP). The funds will support the Big Soddy Bridge Project.“These funds will assist with the Big Soddy Bridge Project, which is sorely needed in Hamilton County,” said Representative Floyd. “This is one piece...
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Basic Visual Tracking

Saturday, June 5, 2010

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Next Saturday, June 12th, the Smoky Mountain Field School will be offering a Basic Visual Tracking course. Lead instructor for the course is Joe Kelley, a 30+ year National Park Ranger veteran.Visual tracking is one of many methods used to locate missing persons.The course will introduce you to several skills involved with tracking and locating persons in an outdoor, or "wildland" situation. These...
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Video: A Year in the Smokies

Friday, June 4, 2010

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Experience a year's worth of Smokies moments in this short film from the Great Smoky Mountains Association. Take a look back to the many places 2009 has taken the GSMA video blog.JeffHikingintheSmokys.com Detailed information on trails in the Smoky Mountains; includes trail descriptions, key features, pictures, video, maps, elevation profiles, news, and mo...
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(Bonus) Hike of the Month: Gregory Bald

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Although Gregory Bald is an excellent destination anytime of the year, mid to late June is the absolute best time to make the trek to the summit. In addition to its excellent views into Cades Cove, Gregory Bald provides for one of the best flame azalea shows in the world during this time period.In fact, azalea lovers from all over the world come here to visit perhaps the finest display of flame azaleas...
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Frazil Ice

Thursday, June 3, 2010

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The last gasps of winter in the Yosemite Valley.Check out this amazing video showing the "giant slurpee" that forms when "frazil ice" collects on Yosemite Falls and flows down Yosemite Creek each spring like a lava flow.As you might expect, the scenery in this film is awesome:JeffHikingintheSmokys.com Detailed information on trails in the Smoky Mountains; includes trail descriptions, key features,...
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Hike of the Month: Spence Field / Rocky Top

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

It's June, which means mountain laurel is getting ready to bloom at the top of Spence Field.The hike to Spence Field out of Cades Cove is probably one of the most underrated hikes in the Smokies. I would go so far as to say that the combination of Spence Field and Rocky Top would rate as one of the top three hikes in the Great Smoky Mountains. Gregory Bald would definitely be included in that group,...
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Brand New Trails Illustrated Maps for the Smokies

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

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National Geographic now has two separate Trails Illustrated Maps for the Great Smoky Mountains - in addition to the old map. National Geographic has divided the Park in two, thus allowing each map to show much greater detail. The original map, which covered the entire Park, had a scale 1:70,000. The two new maps now have a scale of 1:40,000 (1” = .6 miles) and provide much greater detail such as backcountry...
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