Over the weekend we decided we were going to head over to Red River Gorge in the Daniel Boone National Forest – a place where both of us discovered our love for hiking way back in the 20th Century – and many years before we ever meet. Although both of us have hiked in the Gorge on many occasions, it’s been several years since our last visit.
There are a lot of great destinations in Red River Gorge, but Auxier Ridge has always been a favorite of mine. On this visit we decided we were going to hike the loop that follows the Auxier Ridge Trail #204 and the Courthouse Rock Trail #202.
I was particularly interested in seeing what kind of devastation was wrought on the Auxier Ridge area after a wildfire burned 1640 acres back in late October of last year. The fire was illegally set during a declared fire ban after a summer-long drought – the result of a campfire that got away from three campers during the middle of the night. The area was reopened in March after being closed for five months while Forest Service crews made trail repairs and removed fire-damaged trees along roads and trails that were unstable and dangerous.
Based on all the reports I read about the fire I was expecting to see an area that looked something like Yellowstone after the infamous 1988 fire. However, I was quite surprised to see how little damage actually occurred along the trail, or within any part of the viewshed. Yes, there were a handful of burned out portions along the trail, such as in the photo below, but most were very small areas.

Coincidentally, about a week prior to our hike, I was contacted by a member of the Bluegrass Group of the Sierra Club asking if I could link to a book they recently published called Hiking the Red: A Complete Trail Guide to Kentucky's Red River Gorge.

Auxier Ridge / Courthouse Rock LoopDistance: 5.0 Miles
Elevation Gain: Roughly 500 Feet
Great pictures jeff -JRD (Cinti.,Ohio)
Great post! Loved the photos too!
Jeff / Mama-Bug,
Thank you!
Good to see you getting out and hiking...I was thinking it had been awhile since I saw a trip report from you. Looks like a great trip. Interesting rock formations. Wish I could go.
MLO - RRG is quite an interesting place. It has over 100 natural arches, which is the greatest concentration of arches east of the Rocky Mountains.
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