Mastering the Basics of Adventure Travel

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Outside Magazine has an interesting and informative article in the print and online edition their February 2011 issue. The article essentially offers a series of basic tips for adventure travelers. These are skills any outdoor enthusiast, especially those traveling abroad, should possess.

These include packing, how to handle bribes, essential gear, blending in and working with the locals, and a few survival tips.

I particularly liked this piece of advice:

Hand over a decoy wallet instead, filled with expired IDs, credit cards, and some trivial amount of the local currency. Outside contributing editor Patrick Symmes pulled this move two years ago in Venezuela, forking over the wallet, a wad of expired Bolivian bills, and the $70 in his pocket—preserving the $500 he'd zipped into a money belt.

To read all of Outside's adventure travel tips, please click here.


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