The falls are color coded and rated: Blue for higher beauty rating and ease of access or Red for lower beauty rating and more difficult access. On the back is a chart with detailed information and directions to 128 falls.
Features of the Waterfalls of North Carolina Map:
* Map measures approximately 26 x 38 inches and folds to 4 x 9 inches
* Printed on waterproof and tearproof paper
* Includes 301 waterfalls
* Detailed information for 128 falls
* 44 waterfall photographs
* GPS coordinates for the waterfalls and the waterfall trailheads
Detailed inset maps for:
* Looking Glass Rock region of Pisgah National Forest
* Wilson Creek Region of Pisgah National Forest
* Standing Indian region of Nantahala National Forest
* Snowbird Creek region of Nantahala National Forest
* DuPont State Forest
* Lake Jocassee Gorges region
* Great Smoky Mountains National Park (including falls on the Tennessee side of the Smokies)
You can purchase the map through Amazon by clicking here.
HikingintheSmokys.com Detailed information on trails in the Smoky Mountains; includes trail descriptions, key features, pictures, video, maps, elevation profiles, news, hiking gear store, and more.
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